Saturday, October 29, 2011

Figure Drawing (clothed) 10/23/11

Here are some figure drawings from last Sunday's Crealde morning class. I usually attend when one of my friends prods me to go since it's better to be in good company that early. This day, my friend Seung Kim was the instigator and I also ran into my ex-student Robert Jakab. Seung is amazingly talented and currently the art director of local video game studio n-Space, you can see some of his amazing work here on Blogspot: 

The model was my close friend Audrey Zindler and she posed with clothing. Audrey is also a great artist and you can see her work here:

Click on the drawings for bigger versions:

2 minute gestures:

5 minute gestures:

10 minute gestures:

10 minutes:

20 minutes (my favorite of the day):

20 minutes:

 20 minutes:

Mai Justice process

This week I've done some quick digital concept sketches for a character in Wolfgang Wozniak's "Mai Justice" game. Wolfgang is a Full Sail University alumni who posted one of his characters at our DADA Full Sail art club Facebook page and I decided to do a short critique demo there where I redrew the character. You can check out more about the game and characters by clicking in the name of the game above, he's still looking for artists if you're interested.

At  the Dos Illustros blog I posted the final color quick sketch but here I will post all of the ones showing the process of how I got to it.

Here's the original sketch:

I started drawing on top of the original, giving her more realistic facial proportions:

I then started adding Native American features, I used Irene Bedard (star of "Smoke Signals" and voice of Disney's "Pocahontas") for reference:

Then added the character's details:

And finally quick color to see what she'd look like:

Character is © 2010-2011 Wolfgame and Wolfgang Wozniak

Tuesday, October 4, 2011



As the blog says, my name is Hugo Giraud and I am an artist in Central Florida. This is my 1st personal blog and I will be posting all of my current artwork here. I also share and co-founded the Dos Illustros sketchblog earlier this year with my friend & co-worker George Frei where we post sketches and art every week as a challenge to stay working and motivated. This will be my own little corner to update or post anything and everything else that doesn't fit there or in my future website. Hopefully it can also give you a glimpse of how I think and work.

A bit of background: born and raised in Puerto Rico, moved to Florida as a teenager. I attended the famed Barbara Bassett Art Workshop in Winter Park, FL and the Columbus College of Art & Design (CCAD) in Columbus, Ohio. Although my major was Illustration, most of my professional work has been in the 2D animation industry. I will be launching a website soon at and you can see my film and tv credits at IMDB. Currently I am the Course Director for the Design & Art Theory class at Full Sail University's Digital Arts & Design and Graphic Design programs.

To start off, I will post after the break the most recent figure drawing from the Sunday morning class at Créalde School of Art in Winter Park, FL.

Warning: if you're offended by artistic nudity, I'd  suggest you not go further and please check out my work at the Dos Illustros sketchblog instead. If you're not offended then please read on...